Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pua wants in the washer

Poor thing but all her blankets were dirty. When we do laundry during the day she will sleep in her hammock but I needed to get a blanket clean for her.

Trying to pick the orange wedges out

Trying to pick the orange wedges out

Contemplating her next move

Contemplating her next move

Fridge raid

Fridge raid

Spying on the kitchen activities

Spying on the kitchen activities

A rose for me, how nice

A rose for me, how nice

A sweet rose, yum

A sweet rose, yum

A rose for sweet Pua

Pua like her flowers

Mystery thing in my room

It makes this noise now and then for awhile now. Maybe someone recognizes it. Sounds like a frog but that is unlikely.

Pua closet play

She is more exuberant when I use both hands

Anteater closet play fight

Pua anteater playing with me in the closet 2

Going up

Going up

Put that camera down and get me cheese

Put that camera down and get me cheese

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Some interesting questions

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It's been a slow week for photos, due to the smoke making everyone tired, but we did get some interesting questions this week. That's great because it gets me thinking more about my anteaters than I might about somethings, like play. So I thought I would share the answers with you.

Well first question was how introducing Pua to her new mate will work. The current estimate is about 2-3 weeks on that, so fingers crossed.

I'll introduce them slowly. They do have the potential to harm each other. When I got Stewie he was caged at first when Pua was out and then where let out together but I kept them apart and he was caged while I slept. He had never seen another anteater besides his mom so was scared of Pua but didn't mind the other animals. Pua wanted to play with him right away but he would
growl and hiss at her then she'd growl and hiss back because he was disrespecting her. They got to where each would play with me while they were near each other. One wrestling each hand then one day they started playing with each other. It only took them about a week to get to playing with each other. Pua was willing sooner so I think it will mostly depend on the male.

The second question came from a biology professor in Alaska who's specialty is play behaviors in animals. He and his students have been watching Pua and Stewie's play videos. So the question was what they do to signal play any behaviors or vocalizations. For example most dogs will play bow to initiate play, which is a vary obvious cue.

Tamanduas being the unique critters they are signal play instead by a lack of signal.

The main indicator is a lack of sound. When Pua and Stewie first met Stewie was scared of Pua. She tried to be friendly but he would hiss and growl at her so then she would hiss and growl back. They got used to each other over the course of a week. They could play with me near each other one wrestling each hand.

One time Pua leaped onto Stewie. At the time I was shocked she was the aggressor and pulled her off of him. It occurred to me after that she hadn't hissed and had made a silent attack, so was playing, however Stewie, like me, had assumed it was a real attack and hissed at that time. Next time we were all playing together and she pounced on him I let her go and he too realized she was playing and they were fine from then on.

They are very quiet when they play. There is some huffing and puffing and Pua would pinch to hard and make Stewie whine, though that never stopped him playing with her.

If one wants to play and the other doesn't they are simply ignored. Stewie would instigate play by pouncing on Pua often knocking her over. She would either play or get back up and ignore him. She would often want to play when Stewie was sleeping and he'd just curl up tighter in a ball and ignore her. Though sometimes he would give a little half hearted play and then go back to ignoring her.

I get the same reactions when I instigate play. She will play back, ignore me completely or paw at me a couple times then go on with her business. When she wants to play with me she just starts by grabbing or pouncing on me. Though she has learned to ask me too. She will climb up onto a shelf and then look at me, often with claw ready for battle, till I come.

On a rare occasion Pua has offered to play with the cat when she had been playing with me and was excited. She did this by standing up showing her claws but again was silent. Kat just ignored her. When she first met Kat she stood and hissed with claws ready. It took her quite awhile to get over her natural fear of cats.

We should be getting a new mate for Pua in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing how they get to know each other this time around. They aren't left alone together till I am sure they are getting along smoothly.

And a video of Pua and Stewie playing, with music to get rid of the loud TV

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Me and My buddy

Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , ,

In repose

My buddy

My snuggle buddy

My snuggle buddy

she's got her foot on me too

she's got her foot on me too

Big Hugs

Big Hugs

Enough flashing

Enough flashing

I just want to nap

I just want to nap

an after dinner nap

an after dinner nap

Resting Princess

Resting Princess

Playing with a rain coat

Playing with a rain coat

licking a raincoat

licking a raincoat

Pua being an anteater - video

Pua being an anteater I could tell she was going to yawn but instead she held it in and then...

Just chillin'

Just chillin' Just before she was sitting there with her arm laid over her hip.

Groom me!

Groom me! He licks her then lowers his head but Pua never gets the concept of bunny manners.

Mess is from giving him corn stalks to play with.

Pua on my wall

Pua on my wall There's no lines in it think that's due to ant-copy technology in the print.

Photo of painting

Original Photo of Pua

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Who needs nine live?

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Who needs nine live? when you got luck on your side. So somehow Pua fell out of her hammock and grabbed onto her tower but the towel gave way and she fell again but managed to grab the clothes basket but then it tipped over and she fell with clothes and basket coming down after her. I managed to bruise myself trying to get to her in time but there she stood up on her back legs looking around like; what the heck! Anteaters are remarkable durable.

Now we have a forum where you can ask questions or share info on animals you already have or just chat

Pua in the pocket bed

Pua in the pocket bed

Hmm, what do you want?
Hmm, what do you want?

Think she poked her eye
Think she poked her eye

Sleeping next to the bed
Sleeping next to the bed

Feeling a little down
Feeling a little down

I am queen Pua
I am queen Pua

Got any cheese?
Got any cheese?

Time for a walk
Time for a walk

Poor Pua
Poor Pua
She was bothered by someone running a chainsaw nearby and decided she needed carried home.

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Inside the house

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hyzzie using the new bed

Hyzzie using the new bed

Kat using the new bed

Kat using the new bed

Kat doesn't like the flash

Kat doesn't like the flash

Kat grooming on the new bed

Kat grooming on the new bed

Hyzzie and Kat together

Hyzzie and Kat together

The corn's as high as and anteater's eye

The corn's as high as and anteater's eye

Coming in from her window

Coming in from her window

She was poking my foot

She was poking my foor

Trying to attack my foot

Trying to attack my foot

Attacking the bed

Attacking the bed

Ready for her next opponent

Ready for her next opponent

All tired out now

All tired out now

Eating dinner

Eating dinner

Pua eating dinner

She doesn't like me to watch her eat any more.

Pua and her wrench toy

with cheese inside

Hyzzie in the dog bed

Hyzzie in the dog bed Though I did help her in when she was trying to go under it.

Climbing into the window

Climbing into the window

Cheesy smile

Cheesey smile

Another anteater juice video

Hyzzie under the pocket bed

Hyzzie under the pocket bed Hyzzie remains confused on how to use this thing.

Funky yawn

Funky yawn

Being lazy

Being lazy

Pua found her apples

Pua found her apples

Pua enjoys wormy apples


Anteater and wormy apples up high

She hasn't been eating them just getting the fruit fly stuff inside.


Juiter likes old wood too

Hyzzie ears up

Hyzzie ears up Doesn't happen often

Look into my eyes

By request trying to get a close up video of Pua's eyes

I'll look into your eyes

another try

Close up of Pua's eye

Close up of Pua's eye

Do I get cheese fot this?

Do I get cheese fot this? Pua looks skeptical

Pua in a butterfly ruffles

Smile Pua Smile Pua

Cheese reward

Cheese reward

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