Since cat came in to visit I closed the door and made everyone sit on the bed together.

Pua was doing some licky belly grooming till Jupiter tried to groom her and ruined it.
Hyzzie says: leave that computer alone Kat.
Can we beat up the cat?

We lost Pua here
Pua's back with the promise of cheese.

Hyzzie tried to escape into the laundry pile.
Pua's got her cheese but the dogs look miserable.

Jupiter grooms Kat's tail

We're loosing Hyzzie to dreams.
Maybe the dog have a second hand cheese wizz high

Jupiter grooms Kat. Kat hisses at him.
Bounding bunny

Quasi's got dry mouth
Two posing nicely, two sleeping

Hyzzie glares at Pua

Quasi: OMG the bunny licked me!!! What do I do???
Oops, dropped the cheese

Someone should go get that.
Pua needs that cheese can

Quasi: Quit touching me!!
Hyzzie: I need a nap
Kat: Napping
Jupiter: What's everyone looking at?
Help us, someone open the door

Pua quits

Jupiter attacks the sheet
Best Family photo of all five pets

Quasi, Hyzzie, Pua, Kat, and Jupiter
All SIX pets

Quasi, Hyzzie, Pua, Kat, Jupiter, and Angel Stewie in the far back :)
Sleepy Kat

Getting along still

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