Mostly pictures
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: anteater, chihuahua, mini pin, pet, Tamandua, アリクイHaven't been keeping up with writing out the Pua stories but I have all the recent pics here.
This was one day off last week I woke Pua during the day and she didn't really want out. She climbed in the closet knocked down these clothes then curled up in them.

A little hand squeezing. Oh here's a cute thing sometimes Pua will take my arm in her paws and knead it, Pua's a massuse, but a little more up by the shoulders would be great, lol. So took her cue and rub her arms now like she does mine.

She didn't soil that towel it was old paint stained. Well actualy she did soil it she peed on it shortly after this pic, oops.

Was trying to get some pics of Pua's whiskers. It looks like her snout is covered in bits of lint but she's got these tinny currly whiskers all over. Warning if you click these pics are big to shoe the hair close.

So took my collectors out there and put one by the stupm and a couple by the other tree area and one at the base of a fallen tree by the trail just cuz it looked a possablity and I was tired by then. After went down to the river and washed my ands and waded a bit. Scared up a garter snake when in the woods ans saw some little baby fish in the river. I did get my cell wet and thought I killed it but the batery had just died *whew*
Last evening I went ahead and let Pua out and she kept running to the back corner of the yard. So it was Pua fetch. I kept toting her back to the other corner and she kept runing right back to the dark corner. I used her stubornus against her and she got some good exersise and slept all night. Yeah. So might let her again tonight. I let her till her nose got cold from the grass and she started pwing at it. Winter is going to be tuffer.
These are from sunday I think sent them to one list. Quasi found this sunspot that morning and has been there every morning since.

Last nigt I think. Pua founf her way up onto the curtain rod.
Apparently wondering how to get back down.

These were this afternoon. I ran her in the yard again till she peed then let her come back in and she ate and then went to her hammock on her own.

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