Pua and Aurora play

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

July 25th
Taking it easy so far tonight. Burrowing in the clothes basket.

After Aurora finished eating she notice there was a cat sitting on the cat tree. She hissed her displeasure.

Now the exiting bits I promised
July 26th
(Pua's Mommy)OMG Pua and Aurora played a bit in the closet but Pua climbed up to try and play with Ori who was all hisses and growls, so Pua just ignored her instead and went to sit on the wall. Aurora is disappointed and wondering where Pua went.
Play was very brief because of Pua getting distracted.
It was funny. They sniffed and Pua touched Aurora and Aurora stood up. Pua stood and walked at her. Then Aurora walked backwards leading Pua into the closet. I didn't even know they could do that. There they shared a light boxing match. Then Pua went up onto the shelves. She stopped half way at first. I think she wanted to play fight on them like she did with Stewie. when Aurora didn't come she went all the way up. Aurora went to look for Pua by the sink and Pua came back to play with me, Aurora and Ori went to playing in their hammock.

July 27th

I take back all the bad things I said about Aurora. She's cool. We played and then we played some more and then we played in her nest and then we played some more. We tried to get Ori involved but she mostly just ran around huffing and puffing about the disturbance.

Aurora ready for play

Aurora ready for play

Pua's patented upside down fighting stance
Pua's pattented upside down fighting stance
It's her favorite way to play fight.

Tail poking
Tail poking

I think Aurora is confused
I think Aurora is confused

Ah, beaten by the tail noose manuver
Ah, beaten by the tail noose manuver

I'm gonna get your foot
I'm gonna get your foot

The rest of these were taken blindly in the dark as they played more later

More tail poking
More tail poking

Pua's having fun
Pua's having fun

Aurora has the high ground
Aurora has the high ground

Aurora might be winning
Aurora might be winning

Pua making a stand
Pua making a stand

Pua's down
Pua's down

Aurora pinches Pua's hand
Aurora pinches Pua's hand

Pua and Aurora playing

Aurora satisfied after play
Aurora satisfied after play

Happy Pua
Happy Pua

Pua and Aurora play

Pua and Aurora are finally playing. Ori is running around complaining about upset in her routine. Lighting wasn't great and I thought it looked better this way.

July 27th
Mom scrubbed out the closet and touched stuff up with some paint. Aurora was not happy being exiled to the hammock. Hey at least she's not ousted every week like I am for laundry day.

Mom went to put some hangers back up and a head popped up from the clothes. "oops pardon me" Didn't know Aurora was sleeping there.

Up but I just had my ketchup and am napping. I used a lot of energy last night.

Tried playing with Aurora tonight but she keeps growling. I guess she's still out of sorts about the closet but that wasn't my fault. I tried grooming her rump on the sly but fell off the towel shelf I was hanging from.
Ori did warm up to me some though. She wont pay but was willing to say hi.

Pua tries to play with Ori
Pua tries to play with Ori
Ori didn't play back but she was willing to say hi.

Edit: at one point when Pua had left Aurora for me, she kept coming back to play with me too, Aurora went to look for Pua by the towel shelf. Once Pua came and found her by the shelf Aurora turned and walked back to the closet Pua right on her tail and once there they played some more.

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Pua and the haunted trail + Pua and Aurora

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

July 22nd
I came and woke mom up at 4am. She gave me a treat but then I came back and clawed at her ear and insisted she get up. I didn't want to play. I followed her back to my castle and watched her change my blanket. Someone snuck in and wet my bed while I was sleeping.

It was finally nice to day(70s) so mom took me for a walk but shr took me on a haunted trail. I heard all sorts of scary monsters but mom said she'd keep me safe and we kept going. I was just going to make her happy though
. Then I heard a dragon and it tried to eat me. I darted up a tree but slipped and fell. Mom picked me up and I hugged tight to her shoulder till we got to the hallow log thing. I hid inside awhile till mom got me out. I hugged to her again holding her hair and shoulder in a death grip as we walked back. I still felt a little scared the dragon could just eat me and mom. So I got down and went to a big tree. I dig a hole and stuck my head in it and curled up. Grandma called me an ostrich but I know I was hidden perfectly well. So mom let me in my carry bag and I got to ride back out of site.

Mom's note: the trail is near the railroad and they were working on it. The dragon was a train going by. The rail road is like way up a ridge from us but was close enough to be noisy, not like we were walking along the tracks. You can't see it from the woods, just hear it.

Pua checks out a tree

Pua checks out a tree
She was mostly listening for monsters as we could hear the railroad being worked on.

Hiding in the tube
Hiding in the tube

Looking for a place to hide
Looking for a place to hide

Ostrich anteater
Ostrich anteater
She dug a hole, stuck her head in and curled up. No one can see her now.

Old turkey
Old turkey

July 23rd
1AM I was so hyper and running all over tonight. I even went a few houses down and said hi to the cub scout guy and his kids.

Mom left the door ajar after getting my blanket out of the drier so Aurora went inside and checked it out. Hey now living in appliances is my thing. She left after she noticed mom was watching her.

Aurora in the drier

Someone gave him catnip
Someone gave him catnip
He was given catnip and went out and rolled in burrs. We had to pull 100's of burrs from his fur. He came and slept it off on the "anteater" tree and played with the dangling mice. He liked the towel on the platform. I put that there in case of dropping bombs.

Mom was giving Ori ants when Aurora came back. She walked right across her baby so Ori took that as play and fought back and they fell into a match.

July 23rd
10PM I guess I over did it yesterday with all my crazy running around. I didn't get up till 9:40 and I'm taking it easy.

July 24th
Aurora keeps bringing Ori down to the cat tree then trying to get her to play there. Once play starts Ori runs off back up to the shelves.

Mom stuck me on the cat tree. I checked it out then found my way up to the shelf and groomed Aurora's rear briefly then hurried off before Aurora could react. Grooming hit and run.

Pua thinks about visiting Aurora
Pua thinks about visiting Aurora

Pua and Aurora
Pua and Aurora

Sniffing the old cat condo.
Sniffing the old cat condo.

Pua posing on the cat trees
Pua posing on the cat tree

I'm out'a here
I'm out'a here

Sharing the shelf
Sharing the shelf
Aurora curled up looking depressed after Pua ran off after the quick groom so I tried Putting Pua back but she ran off. So I put her up there with a treat but Aurora was to shy to approach her. Aurora went to visit Pua on the washer later.

Aurora and Pua holding hands
Aurora and Pua holding hands
Pua grooming Aurora's arm.

Pua tamandua grooms Aurora

Aurora seems to like it enough to keep coming back but she doesn't do any grooming back yet and still doesn't like Pua's play attempts.

Aurora under the cat tree
Aurora under the cat tree
She kept bringing Ori down to play but Ori kept running off.

Checking out the hanging mouse
Checking out the hanging mouse

Aurora under the desk
Aurora under the desk

10pm OMG I'm SOOOO HYPER!!!!!

Pua at the park
Pua at the park
Evening walk with Pua. She was so hyper we took her to the rest stop to run around for a bit. This actually made her more hyper. It was a long night.

Face plant
Pua at the park

Pua at the park
Pua at the park
Pua at the park
Pua at the park

July 25th (Pua's mommy) Pua was up going wild for 5hrs straight last night took a nap and went for an hour more.

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