Moping due to not enough treats

If Pua wants water she gets it

Someone put this away later so Pua went for the vase
Grooming her hip

She kinda make a swirrel
Grooming her hip

A little licky grooming

Jupiter likes scotch broom Blooms

Morning Pua

A little grooming and she's off to get her juice

She needs her morning juice like some need coffee
two Spoiled Doggies

Old Anteater poop

Bleached from the sun but you can see the ant body pieces in it
Yummy Cheese

Pua figured out the cheese nozzle, oops.
Must get every lick

got a spot right here

Antbear under the bed

Quasi likes the snuggler

I had to put him in it the first time and he still needs me to hold it open for him and hold it while her turns and settles, ha, but he likes sleeping in there.

Quasi and Hyzzie

She tried sticking her head in there with him but it's to small for two.
Tried Hyzzie in an old pocket hammock

She went in and tried to circle to settle but it was to small to settle right. She's to big for either really.
Quasi misusing the snuggler
Checking put Jupiter's greens

Jupiter grooms Pua

Jupiter asks to be groomed

That's good now rub my head

Come on pet my head

I did take her tail and pet his head with it, made for a happy bunny
I don't want to go for a walk today, mom
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