Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
supper picture heavy went a bit crazy today. but some of them are interesting angles and such.
No rain today so once it got warmer took her out to pee and walk back then she starmed off. I gave her some foood but she was mad I had the bathroom door closed so ran around awhile. Tried to encourage her on the pee pad incase she had to poop but no doing.

over the barrier that spperates my clutter from the rest of the stuff.

and back

checking out the spare desk.

into the chair

and all the way up. For awhile she seemed to think it might be a good place to rest.

so tried to help with being comfy

It's not to bad

But she wasn't ready to settle yet



Darn a wall

well I'll just climb it.

and up some more

Angelic Poo with a halo

walking the high beam

trying to clim on the writing board

Wanting to go up more

trying to go down instead

holding on my her tail

then doing a u-turn

an interesting body shot

gettin sleepy and covered in cobwebs


getting a different view of things

she really wanted to climb on that black board

wall walking

Always time for a tail scratch

Can almost make it

going down



her old spot with new junk in it

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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Well okay it wasn't here but not to far. That's diamond peak.

Kat was sitting on the couch like a people then saw the camera and groomed instead.

Pretty fungus

This poor bird I found flopping around in someone's yard on a walk. t's beak was off matching and underneither there was a little puncture wound so probably a cat did it.

The rehab down in Eugene said it's a starling but probably wouldn't make it since it wasn't moving it's legs. They were going to try though.
Poo eating dinner

It was raining yestrday so couldn't take Pua on a morning walk. I felt bad she was holding in her pee so woke her and put her in her crate thinking she would pee in there. She's used it as an outhouse at home before. but she just curled up instead. Poor poop.

Pua covering her eye with her foot to keep the light out.

I just love her tail

Drinking her rew with tail out of the way.

Oh yeah everyone was teasing I was mixing up witches brew as I made up a batch of the complicated part of her diet took hours but she loves it.
Poo under cover

The mean old lady woke her up with that flash.
Looking down on Pua as she looks up at us.

Q&H snuggled in to their crib.

Oh and evidence Jupiter is shedding again. I should knit a sweater from him.
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