Feb 1st
So Aurora and I shared the washer yesterday
but I have the closet to myself today and she has the washer. At one
point though I was in the washer and Aurora failed to get in to
went into my hammock and complained. Mom thought I was complain and got
up. That sent Aurora to the closet for awhile.
11:42PM Because Aurora was in the washer and got up earlier than me she got her yogurt all to herself :( I wanted to steal some.
We need more treats!
Aurora breakfast
Beaker in Action
Feb 4th
2:30PM Up having a groom. Aurora joined me in the closet today. Beaker's legs seems to be doing good now just wakes with it a bit swollen but it goes down. Mom cleaned the washer and our cat tree ladder. And I'm gonna need a treat.
Feb 5th
I was sleeping in the washer with Aurora but when mom got up I got up and demanded my morning treat then went to the closet to stretch out.
I was passed out with my head in my armpit but I heard mom sneaking up on me.
It is time for a royal declaration
Give me treats
Move? But we already made the bed.
Beaker hordes toys
Beaker in Toy Overload -
Feb 6th
10:40AM Interesting turn of events. Aurora made a mistake with the washer lid and opened it too far so it stayed open. She decided that was unacceptable so she is sleeping in the princess hammock. I got the washer to myself! and mom closed the lid for me when she got up but I was burrowed in the blanket anyway.
10:45AM Oh no Aurora said the hammock was too noisy now that people are doing things so joined me in the washer. Having it to myself was nice while it lasted.
11:26AM I've moved to the closet. I really didn't want to share the washer.
11:43PM I'm up. Just hanging out on the window branch after my treat.
Oh yeah I got a little bored today and clawed a hole in Aurora's mattress on the shelf. It's more of slash into it really. Photo of her mattress(she got it for mother's day) http://www.flickr.com/photos/tamanduagirl/7199264224/
Feb 7th
12AM Oh how sneaky. Mom slipped Aurora her yogurt inside the washer while I was elsewhere(I did get a couple spoonfuls worth from mom). I didn't get to steal just lick up the dregs and drools.
YAY mom forgot the jar so I got to steal some yogurt!
Mom took the yogurt jar away! I was enjoying my self. How rude!
12:37 AM I was upset about the yogurt getting taken away but now Aurora is up and we're playing. So I'm over it now.
11AM I got the washer to myself today! Aurora is in the closet nest. Not sure if she took pity on me or she was cheeped out by mom's invasion of the washer to give her yogurt.
12:37 AM I was upset about the yogurt getting taken away but now Aurora is up and we're playing. So I'm over it now.
11AM I got the washer to myself today! Aurora is in the closet nest. Not sure if she took pity on me or she was cheeped out by mom's invasion of the washer to give her yogurt.
I got the washer to myself again, yay! I was running around with Aurora and I heard mom wake up so demanded a morning treat. That sent Aurora to the closet and mom gave her some more soup since I've been eating her soup too.
Aurora started to come back when mom went to the bathroom but mom came back before she made it so she returned to the closet. She did allow mom to give her a fresh blanket though.
Beaker thinks the pee pad is his play pad. He takes his toys to it to play. He also likes to wait for his dinner on it.
Feb 9th
12:45AM Went to the closet and Aurora wasn't up yet. I woke her and we played. Then I tried to remind mom about the yogurt but I didn't get any. Eventually I went back to my castle and she gave me some ants. Then Aurora got the yogurt. I found some left in the bowl for me when I returned to the closet. We both went to my washer for a bit but now we are in the closet nest snuggling.
10:20AM Was sleeping in the washer with Aurora but when mom got up I moved to the closet nest, finished off Aurora's soup and settled in.
10:40 PM I had my treat and rest on the window shelf watching my kingdom then went and found Aurora in the washer she had and finished her yogurt without me! Mom only gave her half a cup instead of 3/4 so there was none left for me. Mom did let me have a tiny bit and tiny little bit of coconut oil. Then I got a nice juicy mango! I've not had one for quite awhile. Aurora is still in the washer.
Naptime on the shelf
Feb 10th
12:40AM I got a piece of old wood to claw at. I'm quite enjoying it.
11:50AM I was sharing my washer With Aurora but she was restless and went to the closet to have a snack. She came back but then returned to the closet and paced so mom gave her some more. She tried coming down but Beaker was laying there squeaking a toy so he play bowed at her and she went back up to the shelves. Beaker thinks we're the coolest dogs he's ever seen. Anyway I've got the washer to myself now.
I had so much fun with my wood last night that I shed my big claw. Mom was happy to find it. Said it was a very nice one.
The claw I shed last night
Beaker stole the blanket

Mom was folding it to put on the closet shelf and he hoped on. So she dropped it on him and he was happy.
Then Hyzzie stole it from Beaker
And he stared whining
Climbing the shelf
Pua was trying to go up while Aurora was trying to go down. Then Aurora spotted me watching.
Feb 11th
5:10PM Beaker went to the vet and they drugged him and cut his cast off. He had some pressure sores cleaned up and has been put in a splint instead for two more weeks. Then he will get the checkup x-ray depending on results he could have the split off or just changed and put back on for 2 more weeks.
He is mad at mom so keeping his eye on her but not snuggling up like normal. I mean mom took him back to the people who tried to cut his leg off(removed some of the cast but it scared him) and this time he was drugged, but on the plus side he slept through the cast being cut this time.
Oh good thing too cuz the "cast cutter" broke down so had to use the dremel(more dangerous) and it was having problems too! But in the end all was well. Mom knows all this as she was there to hold him and help. Mom's vet is cool like that.
Ps they all insisted he is the best chihuahua with a great personality!
5:30PM Beaker just couldn't stand it any more. He's not the sort to hold a grudge. So all forgiven now with kisses and snuggles.
11:30PM Left the closet had my snack and joined Aurora in the washer. I am peaking out wondering why Aurora does not have yogurt. I wanted to steal it!
Pua tamandua dismounts the shelf -
How how to expertly use a prehensile tail
Feb 12th
Beaker has discovered the playpen filled with stuffed toys. He is having a blast digging around in there.
Hyzzie is now watching the show. It's nice to have entertainment.
Beaker digs in the play pen -
Beaker loves toys
Beaker thinks the pee pad is a play pad
Beaker on the blankets
OMG it's full of toys!
Feb 13th
Beaker's first time at the park
Rock sniffing
Posing on a rock
Lots to sniff
Hyzzie likes to roll in the grass

Follow Hyzzie she knows what to do
I wanna sniff it

Beaker's first walk in the park - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS9NMsamXLE
Prancing through the leaves
We see crows!
Come out and play, Mr. Squirrel!
Beaker checking out the ground squirrel tunnels -
Feb 14th
1AM Aurora was on my tower sniffing. Mom thought it was me since it's dark and decided to put an avocado up there. Aurora did sniff the offering as mom put it up there but deemed it not food. Offended, she left to the closet to eat her soup.
11PM So I spent time sleeping in my hammock and in the washer with Aurora and tried the closet too, moving around them all but in the end settled into the washer for good. I'm not up yet tonight.
Aurora belly
It's hard to tell but there is more hair than last month and it's filled in to look more even.
Sunshine is good
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