Pretty Pua
Pua got a bath so was feeling frisky and was running around all over the house and grooming and fluffing her hair up then combing it into place. I got a short bit of her running then a groom session on her cage, set to "I Feel Pretty"
Pua had to do lots of grooming to fluff up her fur to dry
she then had to comb her fur back into place
The bath seemed to hype her up and she ran around all over. She stopped to sniff the door frame here.
Stopped to scratch by the closed pet door. I like this just because she's all curvy.
She uses her crate as a potty but knows we go outside with her in it sometimes so she will also go inside and claw around sniffing out the vents. she paused in poking ouyt the vents to scratch.
On top of the TV to try at the door from another angle
Pua on the Tv making a grab at me
Pua climbed up the CD shelf
Pua had a bit of trouble getting down as she's a little clumsy and overly cautious about it.
"I think I may be stuck again"
cute butt shot of Pua on the cd shelf
Here she did finally manage to climb down on her own.
She loves the other bedroom to play and explore
getting down from the bed over the radio
The monseter uder the bed
Pua in a chair then finally getting out of a chair but slipping at the last and falling. She is a bit clumsy but has dismounted that chair successfully before.
Pua takes advantage of the other pets being leery of her and pushes her way through. Hyzzie's a bigger bully than Pua though so it sometimes works but sometimes doesn't.
She has fur plucking syndrome, like parrots feather pluck. It's actually fairly common for cats and no one knows why there is almost never a medical reason and she doesn't have one either.
A little grooming on the cage

She was feeling extra friendly. She crawled up in his lap poked at his fingers then sniffed his crotch. Once she got the scent though she kept clawing at his jeans wanting a better sniff so he put her down after awhile because she is a little princess and wont be told no.
A little more wrestle in the lab.

And I finally caved to my lesser side and snapped a pic of her licking her private bits.
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