June anteaters

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

I found Silkworm Powder!! After the ebay supplier quit selling silkworm pellets we were stuck as there were no reasonable options. Finally the place where I get my ants has silkworm powder as well as whole in stock. So I just ordered a couple pound of powder. YAY! About the same price as the pellets were in the end.

May 23rd
So I was sleeping quietly in the washer when all hell broke lose next to me. Aurora was thrashing around making lots of noise and the lid was banging. I was sure the washer was going to eat us so I managed to get out and fled to my tower. Aurora kept thrashing around but then managed to break free too and went to the closet.

This all happened in the dark and mom thought Aurora was messing around with the other washer lid since the sound was different and she had left a chunk of wood there. So she went and got Aurora some fresh food.

In the mean time I was crying and crying. Mom tried giving me treats but I refused them all. She noticed my feeding mat was twisted up into a sort of pinwheel shape and straitened it out. Then she decided maybe I wanted my blanket changed.

The blanket was twisted up into a cyclone on one side of the washer. Were one of us dreaming of the washer coming on spin cycle? Nope Aurora's claw, that was over due for shedding and was starting to, got caught in the blanket and she was twisting to try and get free.

Aurora was surprisingly chill about the whole thing. She was a bit upset by my crying but ate her food. Mom had to come comfort me and I hugged her arm crazy tight in my hammock for a long time. Then Aurora came and walked right by mom and went into the washer. I don't know how Aurora could be so calm after we nearly died!

Eventually mom pried her self free and offered me another treat. I made a point of refusing because I wanted her to stay in my hammock all night with me. But once I thought she wasn't looking I got out to eat it. I went back in the hammock for awhile but then later got brave enough to climb down and join Aurora in the washer again.

PS, for those not in the know this is a broken washer now so no chance actually going for a spin in it.

May 24th
We took a break from the washer today. I slept in the closet nest and Aurora slept in my princess hammock, well, until now. Mom was foolish enough to get a soda and open it in our room. The pop, gurgle and hiss as it was poured into the mug was too much for Aurora and she fled to the closet but she didn't stay with me. She's gone to hide in her hut instead.

May 25th
Sleeping in the washer by myself. Aurora decided to sleep in her hut again.

Aurora went and had a run around the yard in the rain and I do mean RUN. I think the rain made her hyper. It for sure made her hungry. She's eating now. I'm still sleeping. I like sleeping.

I'm up now and playing with Aurora in the closet.

All I gotta say is I'm glad I'm not a giant anteater.
"Male [giant] anteaters are known to kill and eat their offspring,"

May 26th
I got the closet nest. Aurora is in her hut. Mom put some vinegar in a bucket lid last night. I didn't show any interest when she was looking but someone was bathing in it later when it was dark. Worked better than the sink. I like to pull the plug and even when I don't it leeks down the drain anyway.

May 28th
Mom was just walking into the room and was passing the washer when one of us sneezed. You should have seen her jump.

June 1st
Mom put the blue blanket in the washer last night so Aurora and I are sleeping in the closet.

June 6th
I was feeling restless so went out to run around last night. I poked around then went to see my old friend the lilac bush so I could rub on it and mark it but it was gone. Someone cut it down. I climbed a dogwood instead but mom kept hold of my tail.

We did not move back to the washer from sleeping in the closet nest till mom put the jungle blanket in. It's been a few days and we got the pink blanket. That's okay too.

I didn't get to go for a walk today like I wanted because the humans went shopping so maybe tomorrow. She got some stuff for us like a new pink blanket with stars and harnesses to try on Aurora. I was up and down for a bit but some yogurt settled me back in.

Then Aurora was like "you got yogurt breath" and was peaking and sniffing out of the washer so mom gave her some too.

A 12yr tamandua. The oldest so far was 19. I wanna go for a record.

June 7th
Well, mom put that pretty pink star blanket in the washer so I slept in the closet. This is not my lovely jungle blanket. Aurora is happily snuggled down into it however, traitor.

I did go to the washer after I had some snacks so am now sleeping with Aurora. I guess this new blanket isn't so bad.

Aurora passed out at Pua's feet

Aurora passed out at Pua's feet

Fell a sleep in the bath.
Fell a sleep in the bath.
Got a water filter put in my room. I drank a bunch from my bucket and bowl. Sat in the sink and drank from them some more, laid in the sink and drank some more, then I woke up and drank some more.

June 8th 7:30pm
Woke up alone. I didn't find Aurora but went to sleep in the washer after a snack and a cuddle with mom. (Aurora was sleeping with me earlier in the closet nest but went to the hut at some point)

Aurora: "Woke up and went to the closet. Pua is gone but I got some yogurt and returned to my hut".

Aurora: "I went in the yard for a bit. It was nice aside from Beaker being annoying. Then a neighbors doxie started making a ruckus so I came in. Best to be safe. A monster may have been eating it or something."

I left the washer and found Aurora on the window shelf. I gave her a quick ear lick and went in the closet nest. After awhile she had a bit more to eat then joined me.

Yummy yogurt

Yummy yogurt

Jar Head
Jar head

Punk anteater
Punk anteater

Gimme a kiss, or ants
Gimme a kiss, or ants

Getting a treat
Getting a treat

It's a Harley Davidson collar.
It's a Harley Davidson collar.

Pua in a collar
Pua in a collar
Since their necks are wider than their heads it wont actually stay on long.

Beaker's new collar
Beaker's new collar

He likes it but doesn't like posing.
Beaker's new collar
He always acted like we were abusing him when I used a harness, complete wit crawling prone across the floor to his doom demonstrations, but he likes this.

June 9th
Got my walk today. I decided to take a run really instead. At one point a jogger ran past but he was so in the zone he didn't notice me.

I wanted to go again after we got back to the car but we didn't. I had a good groom after we got home and went in the washer but I peek out now and then. It was a little too exciting.

Mom took a lot of video this time.

Oh and I went wading in the creek a bit but stopped just shy of actually taking a plunge and swimming in it.

OMG do you know what time it is?

OMG do you know what time it is?

Looking good
Looking good

Don't like this bridge
Don't like this bridge

Checking out the creek
Checking out the creek

Running along
Running along

The end of the trail
The end of the trail

June 11
I slept in the closet today and Aurora had the washer. She just got up and joined me in the closet. Maybe she got lonely.

Aurora left me to go outside but it's kind of cool so after awhile she is back and having a snack.

We're napping in the closet nest now. Aurora has her period. I just finished mine. Normally I'm hyper after but was during this time, same with Aurora. Maybe it's the season or the kinda odd weather, going from hot to cool and such.

June 12th 10pm
Aurora: I just left the washer to go find Pua in the closet. I'm poking her hands to make her wake up and play but she's trying ti ignore me. I'll just keep poking her.

Did not work so joined her for a nap.

June 13th
Darn Aurora, left the lid open on the washer so we are sleeping in the closet.

June 14th
Sleeping in the washer with Aurora today. We got our Jungle blanket.

I was sitting in the baby/safety hammock last night but a corner was loose and mom came to fix it. I grabbed her and said she had to stay and play and cuddle awhile.

Later Aurora and I played on the floor but someone hissed and woke mom up. She thought I wanted a treat. Well when I saw she was up I decided I did and left Aurora standing there with her arms up waiting for my attack. She eventually gave up though.

We played in the hammock later though.

Did you bring yogurt? ~ Aurora

Morning Aurora

June 17th
Mom came back from breakfast and saw me standing on the shelf begging. She asked if I was expecting Beaker to give me something as he was the only one there. Um, no I expect you to be there when ever I need something.

June 18th
Aurora went out for a stroll then we played in the closet and tearing at the log now.

The other night I opened the fridge door and found the bag of ants and ate my fill. Last night I tried again but they were in a container and I couldn't get it open.

We will no longer eat the black ants, the old ants, now that we have red&black ants. The R&B ants are softer and tasty. The black ants are harder and though dead still sting somehow. I used to think they were tasty but then I stated the good stuff.

June 19th 2am
Slept in the closet the last couple days but today Aurora and I traded and I slept in the washer and she was in the closet nest. We are both snuggling in the closet now after having a snack.

So I went back to the closet today and Aurora slept in the washer. Worked out for me but not for her someone wanted so see me as he used to live next door and would see me go for evening walks. So Aurora got pulled from the washer instead of me being wrestled down from the shelf.

She was real good didn't growl or hiss at all and was pretty calm in mom's hands till mom got a bit too close to a bag hanging on the coat rack and Aurora caught hold. So mom let her go after that. Aurora walked calmly back into the room and to the closet but then paced to let it be know she was displeased before settling into the closet with me.

June 20th
Aurora decided to sleep in the closet to ensure no one bothers her today. I'm sleeping in the washer.

Aurora in the yard
Aurora in the yard

Aurora looking for ants
Aurora looking for ants

Checking out old haunts
Checking out old haunt

Aurora standing tall
Aurora standing tall

Group shot
Group shot

Aurora and Hyzzie
Aurora and Hyzzie

Sharing some soup
Sharing some soup

The drinking hole
The drinking hole
The evil washer died again! So we are getting a new one but it's a front loader so the old castle design didn't work and my sink had to be moved closer to my dinning room. I think this worked out fine as far as my drinking bowl being convenient. When the bowl is elevated I don't get my nose in the water as much. That' why I like my tall drinking bucket too.

June 21st 10:40am
I'm not sure about the new washer sounds yet. I am perched on my tower listening. I am sleepy but this is important.

Oh yeah when the washer people came on Thursday Aurora was wise to have slept in the closet because they peeked at me too.

June 22nd
I used to pee on the evil washer from time to time to remind it how I felt about it. Due to the rearranging the drier is in it's place so I peed on it last night to complain about the creepy washer noises during the day.

June 24th 10:40am
Aurora went out and explored the yard and did a bit of running too. She checked out the back bedroom and office and then came to eat some breakfast. She has now complained she is exhausted and laid down for a nap on the blue shelf.

Aurora moved to the window shelf and stretched out. I think she must be very relaxed now as she also let out a huge long fart.

Went to the closet shelf had a sip of soup. Poked at Aurora and we both went to the closet nest to play.

June 25th
Aurora ran around for over an hour this morning! She ran all over the yard and house. running and exploring and then just running around the room back and forth thinking about going out again then not before she finally joined me again in the washer. She was up at 8PM last night and ran around looks like she may wake up later tonight.

June 26th
Mom gave Aurora some yogurt and I came to steal so mom gave me some ketchup. I sniffed it lifted my head then made a show of spitting out my mouthful of goobery yogurt onto the shelf and then taking the ketchup.  Gotta clean the pallet first.

June 27th 9:11am
Aurora got up and went outside. She was poking around the old wood when she heard a dog bark in the distance. That was too scary so she ran back inside to the closet.

I'm in the washer. Aurora left the lid open last night and slept in the closet nest but I slept in the washer anyway because the jungle blanket is in here.

Aurora got brave and went out again she explored all over and is now back in napping on the window shelf.

The dogs got to go to the park today. 13 year old Hyzzie played in a big puddle of water for the first time in her life.(she's normally scared of water)

Aurora climbing up from underneath
Aurora climbing up from underneath

Aurora taking a nap
Aurora taking a nap

Napping on the blue shelf
Napping on the blue shelf

Make a nice pillow.
Make a nice pillow.

Beaker's Grass seed
Beaker's Grass seed
Was taking the dogs for their evening walk and Beaker starts sneezing uncontrollably. I saw a little hair sticking out of his nose but couldn't get it so had to carry him and drag Hyzzie back to the house and use a pair of tweezers and after a few tries pulled this out of his nose.

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