Quit bugging me
June 9th
Yummy roses. Then to the closet to see Aurora.
Anteater saliva
Sometimes the vinegar is so good a film of foamy drool gets left on top
When it's fresh it's like runny slug slime as it dries it gets to be kind of like rubber cement, once it is totally dry it is flaky.
Pickled anteater spit - http://youtu.be/2O6ErbLXv7o
It wasn't real fresh at this point
Grrr, got you
Pretending to be an anteater
Quasi loves to make faces for the camera
Hyzzie passed out
Aurora napping on the cat tree
Aurora fur
She has started loosing it now that she's been off the treatment for awhile so she is back on for a fresh round with a stronger dose.
Excuse me, Pua. I was sleeping there.
I also started her on MSM and her tremors stopped(shaking hands/arms) took her off it a couple days and she started having shaking hands again so back on the MSM.
I got a pillow
Ear cleaning time
Aurora: Nooo
Play with me
Aurora in the afternoon

June 10th
10:30 AM
Peeking from my washer. Just not sleeping well today.
Sleeping peacefully now
Jake was laying there all nice and quiet till I got the camera then he went wild.
Kitty yoga. He looks broken.
Jake stretching
I got it, now I will kill it
June 11th
Got up an tried to wake Aurora but she wasn't budging so I peed next to her in the nest and I'm off to try and find something to do.
Yea new log!
LETTER FROM ORI: I got soooo FILTHY DIRTY today, and I got a scratch on my nose, and bloodied my big knuckle and I had sooooooo much FUN! "The Compound" rules. I climbed a tree and sun-bathed cat-napped on a cat-walk. Summer Camp ROCKS. (Camp Counselor is so lame and forgot her Ipad to take photos, as ALWAYS) Love ~~ Ori
June 12th
Mom says bathing Aurora is a little scary because she roars like a dinosaur about to eat Tokyo. Thankfully it's all bluff and she never pinches or takes a wing. Now me I never said a word but I do pinch a little. Mom should know better than to be so rude to me.
June 16th
Aurora didn't want to get up yet so I curled up on top of her.
Played with mom some and now I got a tomato, yea!
June 17th
I have been sleeping with Aurora in the closet today. Mom decided to hose out my washer but it didn't drain. Grampa helped take it apart and found a Halloween pet collar in there and fished it out. So we know what retired it in the first place.
Then aurora decided to run back and forth on the shelf in a panic during the hosing and wound up staying in the hut. She doesn't like water sounds. Hosing out might be just as scary next time but should be a lot easier. (note mom has been cleaning it but she can't get between the drum thingys so the hosing today.
Aurora on the shelf
Aurora in the hut
Real women don't need a man to make them happy
Is someone there?
This morning I started out sleeping in my washer then moved to the closet to be with Aurora.
Pop quiz, who is who?
June 19th
Sleeping with Aurora again. I have been in and out of my washer but I think she needs the company and I maybe do miss the musty smell the washer had before the hosing. Just needs more pee maybe.
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