Time for hammocks
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, cute, exotic, pets, pua, Tamandua, муравьеда, アリクイEldorado peed in his hammock the other night and didn't like the backup hammock or Pua's as they are to small. He's huge. He slept in his dirt box & made mud in is water(he's got a second bowl of water that is safe). So I spent Sunday making him another jumbo hammock, & made it a blanket hammock, open on two side instead of pocket. I was tired and sewed the top on upside down but he might not mind. It's a back up and I cleaned and mended his so it too is a blanket hammock. He likes it and has spent some time inside the blanket even.
So I offered Pua his wet hammock before washing.

well, a quick sniff
Video of her checking out the hammock -
Eldorado in his hammock
Eldorado size
The night Eldorado didn't have his favorite hammock he "played" but it might have been more taking out his frustrations. I looked up and he was hanging from the underside of the shelf whacking at the hanging toy. Then he grabbed hold of it with both claws poking it. He stopped when I got the camera, of course.
Eldorado is an aggressive boy, especially food aggressive. Also if I pick him up with a towel he will attack the towel for quite awhile after I let go. One time I was moving a treat cup around from under the shelf and he pounced on it with his claws like a cat after a mouse. I thought it was just a fluke till he ran out of food last night. He acted like he was willing to kill me for a meal and was in a tizzy so had to carefully show him where the food was as he kept trying to get me through the bars till I helped him figure it out. Okay I know a once starved animal can be food aggressive but wow. I used to say I had never known or heard of an aggressive Tamandua and that they were strictly self defense but Eldorado has changed that. Vesteds can be aggressive.
We are making baby steps, I can touch him while giving him ketchup and last night as he was getting up and headed to eat the first time.
She got her treat
somehow I hung it wrong and he couldn't lay on the branch so he did this instead.
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