Ori's first walk in the park + Ori&Pua
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, baby, cute, exotic, girl, hike, lovely, pets, play, pua, walk, муравьеда, уравьеда, アリクイAug 6th
(Pua's mommy) kept my eyes shielded. I'm parnoid about that but her claws never got close to my face.
Doing the I don't wanna dance
Okay I'll check this out
Unfortunately we weren't in the park yet and that was someone's yard she wanted to go in.
Tamandua on boulder
Ori at the entrance to the park
She's not ready for in the woods but this park is unkempt so is fun to explore.
She kept wanting to climb up my leg but figured the tree would be okay too
Coming down
Her butt looks caramel here but looks mocha in other lighting. Guess it's caramel mocha.
Happy run
I finally gave in and let Ori climb on my head. She felt safe after that so had fun.
walking along the fence line

Ori Cinco Tamandua's first real walk
She's practiced in the yard now she got to go to a park. Yeah that guy is asking me not to let my "dog" poop by his fence, only person we ran into, the park has homes around it. I said she's an anteater and just poops once a day so he didn't have to worry about that. Of course he needed me to repeat that and I pick her up and I'm saying how she only poops once a day so isn't going to and poop comes falling out of her butt, lol, thanks perfect timing.(They actually poop every other day on average).
Aug 8th
Pua was trying to get Aurora to play. Aurora was in the hammock.
With a bit of cheese behind her ear for later.
Pua and Ori kinda
Pua and young Ori Cinco
So cute looks like she's wearing suspenders. The flowers have glitter on them.
Pua's harness broke and the store had no H harnesses. I was a fan of the H-harness but this is very snug around the arms don't think she'll slip out easy. We'll try it out on a walk soon.
Pua wants to play
Pua wants to play with Aurora but Aurora just want s quiet nap in the hammock away from her crazy baby.
Trying to sleep in a hallow tree
She took a pretty good walk and posed cute quite a bit but my camera battery was dead. I got stabbed in the back by a bee and she had to pose for a fan at the end of her walk. She is spoiled and doesn't like to stop outside.
Quasi and Jake got their check ups. Pua Tamandua takes a run
She was happy to get out.
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