Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
discovering the jungle gym
A good climber
This is all the higher it goes?
Are there ants in this hole?
taken with my new cellphone camera
heading home he pooped in the bushes hear Pua's potty spot

Who put that in the trash
in my trash bucket
"Oh I thought this was recycling"
What's behind this curtain?
Were I found him napping when it was time to go home
Would you keep it down?
going home

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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
seems this didn't go before
He showed no intrest in me or playing last night just exploring which is understandable but I brought him to work today and he's sleeping in my lap. He growls at me when i move him to much though. Like if a customer comes in and I need to get up and then sit back down. He woke up for a nsack though then gave me kisses and played just a tinny bit.
He liked the orange flavor off the lid
Give me a kiss
Okay now open up I want a french kiss
He didn't go for the pasty food but he did DRINK the concentrate rather than just lick it off the sides. He didn't get a bunch since it's concentrate but wanted to see if he likes it(I had already poured some into a container already) So new plan is mix the concentrate with his food and then slowly thin it with water so it's more juice than concentrate and hopefully get him to drinking his food like a normal anteater that way.
He woke up at four
stealing my apple
two anteaters
"That will be 75 ants, please"
He keeps going under tinny spaces
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Well they still don't like each other but it seems to be fear on both of their parts so once they get used to each other and realize the other isn't a threat they should be fine. when I got home he was awake as he's still on east coast time and Pua sleeps in till later so fed him and then let him out. He didn't eat all in one sitting for me. He is crazy and only want to lick the stuff that is sticking to the sides of it. This is just a bad habbit because he has no problem drinking or eating oranges, whch he can swallow big chunks of pulp from. I tried a few different things and for the time being gave in and smeared some around inside a gallon ice cream bucket so he had lots of walls to lick off. So tonight i'm going to try mixing up some of the powdered food with some orange juice concentrae and see if he'll ea it better as a thick paste. He did happily claw up some and eat it, that spilt and was thick due to the water soaking into the pad. So he might just want thicker food. If nothing else it will be easier to smear on and stick to something for him to lick off.
So he was out running around when he was next to Pua's crate and she started to wake up and growled. So I put him back in the cage while she came out and ate then snuggled. He came out again later and ran around and she just ignores him unless he gets close. I held her up to sniff him when he was on the curtain rod and she didn't react at all. But face to face he gave a little huff so she huffed and growled back at him. she did get upset when he came by and she heard him sniffing at her food. I moved her to the top of her cage because it was faster and easier to move her. She huffed some up there then sat and moped for awhile. He went back into the cage once on his own but I put him up after that with an orange to occupy him and when done he went to sleep in the hammock.
Unlike Pua who carefully navigates around things trying not to make a mess or nock things over. He rnsaked my closet tossing a bunch of clothes off the shelves and hangers. It may be from her wild instincts to not make noise and attract attention.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
He came to us from a pet home 10 months old born domestically. Home around 1am as we picked him up the evening of the first.
He's doing good he ate the organe and some of the food. He rode home free next to me snuggling and wrestling then went in the gargo part of our wagon and played godzilla on a small empty box we had back there. His claws are to long he got blood on the orange from poking holes in his palms so will let him sleep today but filing them will be top of the list.
I let Pua out and stuck him in the cage when we got home. There was some breif hissing through the cage. Pua went to poop and hide in the rabbit pen but soon as I fed her she forgot all about it and never went back to the cage. So we'll see how things go tonight once she's had a normal day.
coming home from the air port
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