Pua's hike

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

I'm ready to go
I'm ready to go

Up the hill
Up the hill

Picking up speed
Picking up speed

I found something!
I found something!

There's termites under this bark, I know it.
There's termites under this bark, I know it.

I found some in this lump
I found some in this lump

Oh scary noise!
Oh scary noise!
Grandma stepped on a twig *snap*

Puddles do not stop our Pua
Puddles do not stop our Pua

They just slow her down a bit


Happy tail
Happy tail

Tail to the sky
Tail to the sky

Checking out a burrow
Checking out a burrow

Happy tail among the flowers
Happy tail among the flowers

Some scenery
Some scenery

Some freshly renovated trail
Some freshly renovated trail

Fast water
Fast water

Pua tamandua on the beach
Pua tamandua on the beach

Happy anteater
Happy anteater

Getting some water
Getting some water
From between the stones

Pua flower
Pua flower
She didn't cooperate with pictures before going in.

Nice ear rings
Nice ear rings
messy girl

Kissing a tree
Kissing a tree

Time to go already?
Time to go already?

I missed a perfect shot of her on her rump sitting up arms to the side a bit but the battery was getting low so I missed it. Even though she posed that way for a bit.

Heading home.
Heading home.

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