
Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category:



Sleepy Hyzzie

Sleepy Hyzzie

Sleepy Beaker
Sleepy Beaker

Food time
Food time

Aurora's yogurt topped soup.
Fancy topping

Hello there
Hello there

Beakers and his chew
Beakers and his chew
DSCNTummy chew
Lazy chewing
Lazy chewing

We played wildly in the play hammock last night. I was sleeping in my princess hammock this morning but moved to the closet with Aurora.

The drier was running last night for awhile which means it was making noise. I peed on it later. Now it knows that kind off behavior is unacceptable.

We are in the washer today. Aurora is under the jungle blanket but was passed out on my belly till mom peaked then I came out and said I need a treat for the intrusion so Aurora got one too. Mom put up my food so I said I'm hungry so I got a tomato. That's good enough, back to bed.

Aurora wanted to sleep in the closet since there's a nice fresh blanket and it was near her food bowl so I joined her there today.

Aurora got up to try and demand some more yogurt but mom gave her soup instead, though it was topped with yogurt. So Aurora was not pleased. Mean while I'm sleeping all peaceful like and she comes back forces me out of my spot and takes it. Geez, so rude!

September 9th
Aurora checking out the wood

Aurora checking out the wood

Aurora at the old stump

Aurora at the old stump

Aurora butt
Aurora butt

Aurora by the greenhouse
Aurora by the greenhouse

Aurora by the garden
Aurora by the garden

Checking the compost for bugs
Checking the compost for bugs

Aurora on the move
Aurora on the move

Aurora behind the shed
Aurora behind the shed

Aurora in the spotlight
Aurora in the spotlight

Aurora at my feet
Aurora at my feet

Checking the fence
Checking the fence

Aurora grooming
Aurora grooming

Going up the wall
Going up the wall

So creepy engine rumbling noise. Sitting here listening waiting for it to go away!

Finally over. Time to get a drink.

Aurora: I have my period and am feeling restless and a bit grumpy(I left a lake of pee by the door last night when I wasn't let out at 2AM). Anyway I've been out in the yard today walking around and it's hot out there so when I got back I asked for a nice cold treat of yogurt too cool off, and Pua STEALS it from me. I'm going to protest by moping on this wall shelf instead of joining her in the closet nest.

Hyzzie at the park
Hyzzie at the park

What's taking you so long?
What's taking you so long?


Are you rolling in anything good?
Are you rolling in anything good?

Sleeping in the closet again. I wake up each morning alone in the washer and have to go to the closet, though yesterday we were both in the washer but then Aurora went out for a walk and went to the closet after so I had to go join her anyway.

Aurora finally stayed with me in the washer today so other than getting up to beg some treats we have both slept in the washer all day. Finally. I've missed my washer.

Mom would like the thank the cleaning power of fantastic scrubbing bubbles heavy duty all purpose cleaner(man that's a long name) for helping her get the anteater grime off the walls and shelf easily. So next time you need to clean dried soup off the walls or pee off the closets shelf think about... Oh what, that isn't a common problem? Never mind then.

I was trying to climb up to the window shelf and Aurora climbed over me at the same time. Now we are begging for treats!

Aurora: OMG, my servant has gone too far. Not only did she scrub down the closet shelves but she repainted too! It no longer smells right. This is not my lovely closet nest. Pua did pee in it all ready but I sat on the window shelf and cried in protest. I have since moved to the blue shelf to mope further. It's going to take a lot of pee to fix this.

Aurora: Okay Pua talked me into playing in the closet. We will survive

Aurora went outside briefly today but it's cool. We are both now sleeping in the washer.

Aurora left me to have a yogurt snack in the closet now she is walking and climbing around the room. I think she just spit in mom's glass of water. Maybe she'll get brave enough to go outside again.

Aurora did get brave enough to go mozy around the yard. Then she came back and had a small snack and I came out to see what was going on. She went back in the washer. I had some vinegar then joined her.

Got up and had a good groom and a sip of iced tea and now I'm gonna sleep in my princess hammock. The washer is to stuffy today.

Every time I hear that fridge door open I will get up and demand I get something from it, no matter what your reasons are.

Aurora's got the washer. I got the closet today.

Was sleeping peacefully in the washer when I heard the other one come on. Ugh, shut up. Well, off to the closet to sleep with Aurora instead.

Some fan art
Caramelldansen with Pua Tamandua as Gwen Tennyson, Aurora Tamandua as Kevin Levin, and Beaker as Ben Tennyson! Fan art made by me, and for you. As a friend gift on Facebook. — with Chris Mckenzie and Pua Tamandua.
Photo: Caramelldansen with Pua Tamandua as Gwen Tennyson, Aurora Tamandua as Kevin Levin, and Beaker as Ben Tennyson! Fan art made by me, and for you. As a friend gift on Facebook.

Oh hey I almost forgot to tell you guys, I went outside today. During the day even! I went to the back window first and sat and listened and sniffed for a long time to be sure it was safe. Then I went to the back door. I stopped and sniffed and looked out and almost turned back once but then I crept out slowly and wasn't killed.

I went all over the place and in and out a few times. Oh and it was raining some too. Then I went in and out of the washer for awhile but wound up in the closet eventually and left Aurora in the washer. She's just joined me now after her yogurt treat.

I know I've said this before but if mom's awake I don't get why she can't be giving me treats ALL the time.

I need a fresh blanket mom. I can't use this one. I need a new one. I need it now. Yay I can have my wake up pee now. Why doesn't mom seem as happy as me?

I didn't get brave enough to go outside today but Aurora did for a bit and wandered the house then we both went back and forth between the washer and the closet nest but finally we both have settled in the closet nest together.

First thing when Aurora woke up she let the washer, had her yogurt then shoved me out of my spot.

So mom used foaming kaboom toilet bowl cleaner on my washer and sink. She say it worked well but it did leave some stain rings where my drink bowl sits on the sink. Any ideas on making the porcelain pearly white again? I would be offended at her using toilet cleaner on my bedroom but well, I do use the washer for that purpose sometimes too.

The flax seed got contaminated with little moths. Mom spent the morning picking out moth caterpillars for me to eat. I love caterpillars(Not the fuzzy king though of course).

As for my morning I went outside! I went to the window first but then went right out. I ran all around in the rain it was great. I settled in the closet and left Aurora in the washer.

Aurora is always stealing my spot. Last night she actually rolled me out of my spot and I wound up on by back all confused hugging my tail.

Mom had a video of me playing on the computer. Beaker stopped to watch it with fascination. Then when he saw me for real he looked at me then back at the screen. He's a smart puppy. He knows beauty when he sees it.

I managed to get the fridge open last night and was raiding the ants and mom came and blocked the fridge after cleaning up. So I opened the smaller fridge that I normally ignore and found yogurt in there. I'll have you know that a gallon of spilled runny yogurt makes quite the lovely mess. Mom was less than thrilled to wake up to that.

I was up begging for treats this morning and moved back and forth a few times but settled in the closet nest while Aurora stayed in the washer.

I just projectile vomited all over the closet wall. Mom will keep an eye on me but she thinks it was just too many ants. I've been raiding the fridge a lot and eating too many ants can make me vomit. It makes no sense considering my species but too many ants has never agreed with me. Mom just bought some latches for the fridges. I may be having less fun soon.

For those curious: Mom caught it on film once by accident. We are said to have a gizzard like stomach so I suppose it's so powerful it just squeezes and pushes it out
Oh though you know how dogs have that wind up first, uh uh uh urp, we do that too,

Well Aurora woke and mom gave her her yogurt so mom woke me and gave me some ketchup. I accepted, yummy. She coulda waited till I was really awake though. Now Aurora is stealing my spot.

Aurora: We could smell the rain and were peeking out of the washer. My servant brought us some yogurt snacks and Pua stole mine so I went to the closet to get some more and she followed me and stole that too! She's gone back to the washer but I'll stay in the closet nest. Besides someone is a little gassy I don't think I want to share an enclosed space right now.

Aurora: I kept waking up and wanting something to eat so I finally got a bowl of yogurt topped food instead of just a yogurt cup. That helped but I would have rather had a bowl of just yogurt.



Sleeping deep
Sleeping deep

I'm watching you
I'm watching you

Is it still raining?
Is it still raining?

I want to go out
I want to go out

Open up
Open up

Running fast
Running fast

I want in
I want in
And away from this dog

At the old wood
At the old wood
(Hadn't figured out how to take good photos when overcast. I figured it out eventually, but we got this for awhile)

Foot shot
Foot shot

Checking the compost
Checking the compost

Peeing by the gate
Peeing by the gate
She's trying to attract a man

Jake and Beaker's leg
Jake and Beaker's leg

Pua, Jake and beaker's butt
Pua, Jake and beaker's butt

Lets go back to our room now
Lets go back to our room now