Aurora began loosing hair. We got her to the vet and didn't find any
mites or fungus but we tried selectin(Revolution) anyway. 3 doses once
every two weeks. Here she is before treatment

You came to give me cheese right? ~ Pua
In discussing it with others we learned known causes of hair loss in tamandua are being seriously over weight or having your baby keep suckling too long. Aurora has always been the long and lean one. I did actually make the mistake of putting some weight on her when it first started thinking supplementing would help but the weight didn't start the issue and she's still not fat, just pleasantly plump. Her feed has been cut back and protein upped. Ori seemed to stop suckling around 8 months though recently seemed like she started again. I was afraid it would be something more dire. Aurora already has issues but the selmectin seems to have done the trick after all.
Blue cheese!