Mostly Mandua

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Behind again. These first two are from the night I posted the last post.

Mandua and Pua getting closer

Mandua and Pua getting closer
Mandua and Pua getting closer

First we came in and I was going to drop Pua in the basket as I often do and a head popped up. So I held her up for him to sniff like I have done the other way round.

He tried to play with her but she got upset since she's used to fighting most recently. So I moved him when she climbed her tower and was coming after him.

After eating though he came back. Once she discovered him she wanted to chase him off but I distracted her with a treat. This worked at first and she took a rest.

However after the photo she went back to trying to scare him off. So kept giving treats but she got bored of treats quickly.

However during this time Mandua had time to think things out. Instead of trying to fight back he stopped that and instead leaned back out of her way. Pua has given up and gone to bed.

Mandua has won the right to sleep in the basket, for tonight.

She is actually very interested in him and his scent but they are trying to settle territory and learn to trust each other.
So Mandua spent some nights in the basket. Till one night he was hyper and playing with me in the basket when I got called away. He kept playing and fell basket and all. Had plenty of worse falls with anteaters and not had one broken yet but I never like that. Well he returned to sleeping in the closet.

He will sometimes decide Pua's food is better or he runs low and goes to steal hers. I talked her into ignoring this one night with blue cheese bribes and when done she went into her washer with him still there. However it's one baby step forward. He has tried sleeping in her hammock on his bold nights and she chases him off.

He's open to her if I bring her over to him now but she panics and runs away. She's okay but a bit nervous when I bring him over for her to sniff. I let him wander into the rest of the house but when he caught scent of Pua he panicked.

They both show interest but both are scared so we have a bonding exorcise planned to help them get over their fear and well let you know how it goes. It was to be an experiment but I've now heard it's been done before so less experimental and more an exorcise in behavior modification or animal psychology.
Mandua is very playful with me.

Mandua wanted to play up high
Mandua wanted to play up high

He dropped his noid
He dropped his noid

Poking his toy
Poking his toy

Hey there
Hey there

Playing with the raccoon
Playing with the raccoon

Playing with Mandua

Shortly after the video someone came in and distracted me and he threw himself at my arm and he didn't hurt, just felt his claws brush my arm. I'm just cautious as he goes all out on the stuffies and wasn't sure how rough he'll be switching to me.

I now can squeeze his hands during play and let him get me some. He plays gently but if I play hands on for very long then he starts pinching harder. So he actually does better playing some with me and some the toy.

Mr Mandua goes to the park
Mr Mandua goes to the park
He was thrilled and was running right out of the crate, he was already leashed. He was hyper and running all over the park and wanted to try climbing a few trees. So I moved him to the hiking trail so we could follow that and he could better learn leash control.

Crossing the bridge
Crossing the bridge
He was okay till he got over the river then he freaked out so was carried across. On the walk back he'd not go near the bridge so took him across in the carry bag. Going over a rushing river is scary.

Checking out a deer trail
Checking out a deer trail
We didn't do any off trail time as he wasn't ready for that. Pua and I worked up to that over quite some time.

Full on run
Full on run
Mandua spent most of his time running

A little slower heading back.
A little slower heading back.

Mandua and his new pink Puppy
Mandua plays
He likes this one but found the love bear creepy.

Mandua pin up photo
Mandua pin up photo