Walk with Pua, very photo heavy

Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Good morning Pua

Good morning Pua
She looked so snuggly in there. She fought me coming out because she thought it was laundry day again but we took her for a hike instead.

Walk time
Walk time

Picking up speed
Picking up speed

Heading for the wild path
Heading for the wild path

Taking a pause in the bushes
Taking a pause in the bushes
Then she seemed to get spooked by some noises and turned back.

She wants to take an SUV home
She wants to take and SUV home

Time to go home already?
Time to go home already?

She looks depressed
She looks depressed
It had been her idea to go back but we decided to try stopping at her favorite trail on the way home.

She seemed trilled
She seemed trilled
She ran to the trail head.

Pausing for a photo
Pausing for a photo

Checking a log
Checking a log
She spent a lot of time checking logs for ants

I was happy she still fits this sweater
I was happy she still fits this sweater

Heading down the fall trail
Heading down the fall trail

Mossy logs are fun
Mossy logs are fun

Checking out a burrow
Checking out a burrow

Maybe this log goes somewhere fun
Maybe this log goes somewhere fun

Diggin in the tree
Diggin in the tree
Saw dust is lots of digging fun
Saw dust is lots of dugging fun

Going up
Going up
Taken to show she is actually in good shape. Not so round as other photos make her look.

Trying to look sexy in dust
Trying to look sexy in dust

Short of Pua digging - video
Short of Pua digging

Lots of digging fun
Lots of dugging fun

Pua playing in a hallow tree - video
Pua playing in a hallow tree

Exploring more
Exploring more

Tasting for ants on the air
Tasking for ants on the air
Tongue tip sticking out

I can't find any bugs
I can't find any bugs

Stick sniffing
Stick sniffing

Marking a log
Marking a log
She rubs her chest on them to mark them. Not as effective with a shirt on.

She loves mossy logs
She loves mossy logs

Heading home
Heading home

Driver take me to the house
Driver take me to the house

Trying for a close up
Trying for a close up

Riding so nicely with me
Riding so nicely with me
Till we were halfway home them she started pinching my butt to try and get us home quicker.

Butler open the door
Buttler open the door

Grooming the wood dust from her fur
Grooming to wood dust from her fur


  1. Harry and Elspeth Flashman Says:

    Pua is such a stylish girl!
    I love all the photos of her. The one where she is next to the SUV made me notice quite how short she is...or how tall SUVs are lol.
    Anyway it looks like it was a lovley day, I cannot wait till I can take Harry and Elspeth out.