Love and Michief

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Huggy Pua
Huggy Pua
She's got me good
She's got me good

Oops forgot to latch the fridge
Oops forgot to latch the fridge
She's after the vinegar bottle

Um, there's no ants in there
Um, there's no ants in there

Grampa's personal boot cleaner
Grampa's personal boot cleaner
Don't you ever wipe your shoes?
Don't you ever wipe your shoes?

This just looks so sad
This just looks so sad
Sleeping with her head tucked under and feet as a pillow
Think that tail will help if she does fall?
Think that tail will help if she does fall?

Do they sleep like this in the wild?
Yes, It protects their soft parts by curling up as well as conserve heat by breathing on themselves. There is also the theory that when in certain trees it may help confuse predictors by looking like a large seed pod.
Reference to a fellow filckr photo of one such seed pod

Of course I've seen photos of wild ones sprawled out sometimes too. I suppose it depends on the temp and how safe they feel.

Tamanduas will also borrow or steal burrows to sleep in and possibly make their own. Pua often likes to dig a burrow when she started getting tired on a walk if she finds a good place and is always tying to go down into any she finds, regardless of if it appear occupied or not.

Hyzzie serious
Hyzzie serious
Hyzzie not so serious
Hyzzie not so serious