Active Anteaters

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Aug 26th

Aurora relaxing
Aurora relaxing

Baby snake on the drive way
Baby snake on the drive way

He was smaller than a pencil. Kind of flighty. If I got to close with the camera he'd flail around trying to flee but not get hardly anywhere like the driveway was slipper. Maybe a newborn and didn't know how to move well yet.
Baby snake on the drive way

Pua and Aurora on the cat tree
Pua and Aurora on the cat tree

Pua and Aurora on the cat tree

Sept 2nd
Washer still broken. Mom had to go to the laundry mat. Some people mentioned the place smelling like marijuana and they opened the doors to air it out. Um, that's my pee, lol. This odd comparison has been made before when Stewie peed in his crate on set. Mom said nothing though, the sign says no pet blankets but I'm a queen not a pet, right..

Sept 3rd
Slept in the closet with Aurora yesterday so mom scrubbed out my washer. I'm sleeping with Aurora again today. She's lots of fun now that she plays with me more.

I'll just lay here and watch you sleep
I'll just lay here and watch you sleep

Resting her head
Resting her head

Checking out the cubby hole
Checking out the cubby hole

Checking down below
Checking down below

Going back up
Going back up

Heading for the sink
Heading for the sink

Aurora and Pua playing in the playpen
Aurora and Pua playing in the playpen
They started up above, came down the cat tree, wrestled awhile in the pen then went back up and played in the hut again.

Yea buggy wood
Yea buggy wood

Sleeping in the closet nest
Sleeping in the closet nest

Jupiter in his nest of tiny corn plants
Jupiter in his nest of tiny corn plants
I also checked it myself for earwigs ~ Pua

Sept 4th
Got up tonight, had a snack, clawed at the wood, then went in my washer. I missed you, washer.

Sept 6th

I was worried mom might be bored so I pulled the drain plug for the washer out last night. Mom did laundry tonight and it started spraying the wall. Should have been plenty exciting but I heard a "Oh Poop" and "You brat" I'm guessing the dog pooped on the floor.


  1. Unknown Says:

    those are adorable!
    ever since i was a kid i dreamed of having a pet ant eater, i didn't even know it was possible until i found your blog :)
    i recently went and saw some wild ant eaters in south america, i went there on a cruise