Pua and Aurora play

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Ear cleaning time

Ear cleaning time

Is the tongue coming out the other side yet?
Is the tongue coming out the other side yet?

Sept 24

Sleeping late. It may be warm but I can still feel fall coming.

When I went to my hammock tonight Ori was there to act as my step stool to get in. So kind of her.

I let Ori have my ketchup. I'd rather clean her ears.

Now that's just wrong. Pua got on the brown house while Aurora was in and peed.
~Pua's mommy

Sept 25
Aurora and I were playing like crazy this morning. Woke mom up a 4 am. Lots of fun.

Aurora and off beeping and I followed her a bit then went back to the corner. She circled the room beeping then pounced me and beeped awhile while we played then stopped.
I used to beep at momma when younger and when I was ill but I was quieter and when we snuggled to say I love her. Maybe Aurora was saying she loves me.

tried to film it. It was dark but was hoping to get the sound but she stopped soon as mom hit record.

girl fight
girl fight
Pua and Aurora play fight.

Tail fight
Tail fight

Tail hold
Tail hold
You aren't going anywhere

Just more play
Play time

Get it off
Get it off

Tail pokes... oh no you don't
Tail pokes... oh no you don't

Anteater dancing
Anteater dancing

Upside down hand poking
Upside down hand poking

Wrestle time
Wrestle time

Hand poking
Hand poking

Upside down fighting
Upside down fighting

Stand off
Stand off
The lid was for treats it came down with the pet clothes due to the anteaters playing all over.

Anteater fail

Anteater fail
Pua went to pounce Aurora but Aurora took off for to the closet to eat.

Ori and Pua Tamanduas share ants

Ori eating upside down

Sept 26
Aurora was upset when she couldn't find me to play because I had retired to my washer. So she slept in my hammock after giving up.

Woke up and found Aurora sleeping behind my sink. Made me jump.

Sept 27th
1AM In the closet. Aurora took off, Ori followed so I followed them. They were headed for the hammock but Aurora misstepped and fell onto the cage. The noise scared me so I darted back Ori was unphased and got in the hammock. Aurora got back up and went back to the closet, hoping nobody saw. Closet playtime instead.

3PM Oops woke up in the middle of the day again. Had a scratch and some ketchup and went back to bed.

9:30PM Got up early yesterday but am sleeping in today. Got to keep people guessing.

11:43PM Aurora is a bit moody so I'm grooming her.

Video below from OCT 1st

Pua and Aurora anteaters playing

Pua and Aurora playing in the middle of the night. They always make a mess. They knocked all that stuff down. The carry bag was neatly in the corner with the storage bag in it in case we find ants on a walk, some one tore a piece of old linoleum off the step, the dress shirt came down out of the pet clothes basket with someone and stuff knocked off the shelf. I will admit to the blanket being my fault though. I'll have to put the carry bag elsewhere or at least keep it zipped.