First atempt at Mandua arm photo
The awesome power of neem oil
Have been rubbing neem oil on several times a day. Just five days in and his wart turned black and is flaking off leaving red but healing skin underneath. And yep I'm sure it was a wart. It was there too long to be a scab and it looked just like a wart.
Silver back
Another first here Mandua has been visibly shedding, hair coming in right behind it. Have had extra hair laying about sometimes but not visible evidence of shedding on the body.
Mandua has been shedding out and new hair gowing in. It's lighter and silvery but still shorter than the hair that hasn't shed yet. May look different once full length.
Tail holding wood bits
Pelvis apart
arm and shoulder blade
Tiny bones


Tamandua toes

Shed anteater nail
Found this nail in Pua's food. Their nails grow similarly to a cats, pointy bone inside. So they kind of shed the old off as the nail grows in layers so the old layers will shed off.
I can't get her to use her claws enough so she rarely sheds them and I have to file them.
Skin film

Didn't show up well but you can see the rusty color from the pores around the hair bases.
Albino red sorrel
I was picking some for the rabbit to eat and found this one under the others. I moved her to a pot. Hope it doesn't die. It was probably connected to a green one by a root. Albino plants normally don't live due to needing the green to make their food.
It was almost as big as Pua
but she's not into posing for me
Little monster
It hitched a ride home on me
Tamandua Anteater semen

Sorry for the contamination but you can pick the sperm out from the other stuff. I should have used a sterile slide. It didn't help when I dropped it and then stepped on it trying to find it either I'm sure. Actually it looked fine through the scope but then I dropped it going to the other room to use the camera and it picked up a bunch of bacteria. In the video you can see several of them had been killed from my stepping on it when I was looking for it. It did have a little glass place holder thingy on the slide or it would have been totally ruined.

Even though Mandua and Pua still aren't getting along he is a willing sperm donor. If he's in the mood after play time he just lays on his back and closes his eyes which makes it really easy to suck it up with a sterile pipette. I happen to have a bunch of them and they are just the right size to deposit the sample to the right spot on Pua. He does require a little stimulation but he's easy to please.
The success rate of simple vaginal AI is only about 30%(so I read somewhere but they may have meant under ideal conditions) but that's better than the zero chance we have as long as they are still avoiding each other. The main thing is if we get it on the right day. It's not like there's a ovulation test for anteaters.
I want a Pua baby.
I may have to sacrifice another little smear for a look without all the bacteria and stuff. That bugs me. I've been quite careful with Pua's samples as I wouldn't want her to get an infection. I had to move the microscope to the back room to use the camera and forgot the side wasn't under the holders and it slid off. Thing is he only gives a tinny drop.
Anyway we have the blessing of Mandua's owner to do this. I guess the first tries were practice as she obviously came into heat last night as she showed interest in herself but Mandua failed to provide his donation. Hopefully tonight as i think the window is about a week at most. says hers seemed to mate for five nights. I just have Pua's cues to go by and until last night she wasn't giving me the usual signs to work with so I went ahead and tried when given the chance.