Halloween presents

Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Halloween treats in the mail today

Halloween gifts

There's no treats in this bowl mom

There's no treats in this bowl mom Just missed him sniffing in the crown.

Hyzzie checks out the frog - for Quasi

Hyzzie checks out the frog - for Quasi

Quasi's Halloween gifts

Quasi's Halloween gifts

Hyzzie loves her balls

Hyzzie loves her balls

Enjoying a liver treat

Enjoying a liver treat

Enjoying a liver treat

Having a yogurt treat

Having a yaogurt treat

Having a yaogurt treat

monster Quasi

monster Quasi

making a face

making a face

Silly witch

Silly witch

Treats drew her close

Treats drew her close

A better pose

A better pose

Treat now?

Treat now?

a good shot of the hat

a good shot of the hat

Halloween gifts

Posing together

Posing together

Looking down at a treat

Looking down at a treat

It's mine

It's mine Hyzzie wanted to try a bunny treat

she just bit the tip off and spit it out

she just pit the tip off and spit it out

Jupiter has Halloween gifts too

Jupiter has Halloween gifts too

He wanted pets first

He wanted pets first

Trying his treat

Trying his treat

Hyzzie and her ball

Hyzzie and her ball She later stole Kat's balls (and crushed them) but Kat will play with Hyzzie's later and Lat got treats.

Halloween balls

Quasi and his frog

Quasi has his frog

It's choking me!

It's choking me!

Do I have something on me?

Do I have something on me?

Get it off!

Get it off!


Now! She was play growling over her ball

Warlock Quasi

Warlock Quasi He got chilly and saw his red sweater and thought they would look good together.

Pua was sent a Halloween bottle of cheese

Pua was sent a halloween bottle of cheese

Had to try the collar on Pua

Had to try the collar on Pua

I'll wear this for a treat

I'll wear this for a treat

I quit

I quit she had enough treats and wanted this one off.


  1. Madeleine Says:

    Pua looks so adoralbe! I hope you all have a good Halloween :)