New Years Post

Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Cat on the closet shelf

Cat on the closet shelfShe was there meowing to get my attention. Guess she thought she was cleaver to figure out how to get up there.

Hey, anteaters only!

Hey, anteaters only!

Picking her nose

Picking her noseShe was just scratching her nose.

Ready to pounce

Ready to pouncePlay time around the house

Waiting for my next move

Waiting for my next move(anteater standing)Play time around the house

Come on I'm ready for you

Come on I'm ready for you



A new years treat

A new years treat

Queen Pua taking a break

Queen Pua taking a break

She wanted me to sleep 'in' the basket with her but I can only stand there so long with my hands in there before they start falling asleep.

She looks so squishy

She looks so squishy

Just a reminder it's sometimes more than a drip drip

Just a reminder it's sometimes more than a drip dripThis happens certain times of the month. Pua can't help it. Her body is looking for a man. It is a little icky though.

The thing in the washer

The thing in the washerPua was sitting there with her hand propping the lid open and sniffing out so I propped it open for her with sock. She enjoyed that for awhile but later removed it when she decided to turn in for good.

The mess is just her food. We do clean that up when she's sleeping.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Have some bubbly

Happy New Year: Anteater tongue

anteater FAQ

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?