Pua round the house

Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Oh dear, back up slowly Pua

Oh dear, back up slowly Pua

Good Waking, Pua

Good Waking, Pua

Welcome back

Welcome backShe layed her waiting during the human's dinner.

Catching a nap on the doggy pad

Catching a nap on the doggy pad

Nighty night

Nighty night

All snugg

All snugg

Pua's improved rope trick

Pua's improoved rope trick

Pua's improoved rope trick

Pua's improoved rope trick

Pua's improoved rope trick

Furry Gargoil

Furry Gargoil

What's with the fake log?

What's with the fake log?

Napping in the sink

Napping in the sink

Goodnight baby

Goodnight baby

Feeling a bit lazy she claws at the nearest log

Feeling a bit lazy she claws at the nearest log

A soft spot to lay

A soft spot to lay

Listening to the kids in the street

Listening to the kids in the street

Pretending to be a sloth

Pretending to be a sloth

Come play now

Come play now

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