It's all about Pua

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Pua cleans out the yogurt container
Pua cleans out the yogurt container

Pua cleans out the yogurt container

Pua cleans out the yogurt container

Pua cleans out the yogurt container

A day out getting fresh dirt for Pua
Wide River

Hyzzie trail blazing
Hyzzie trail blazing

Doggy day in the woods
Doggy day in the woods

I thought I heard something behind me
I thought I heard something behind me
Pua was sniffing out the window. Quasi hangs around hoping anteater food will fall off her claws.

Any food on your tail?
Any food on your tail?

Pua and Quasi Video

Bed time grooming on my legs

Bed time grooming on my legs

Playing in her dirt
Playing in her dirt

Sparkling juice time
Sparkling juice time

Getting every last drop
Getting every last drop

Must get it all

An empty wine glass is so sad
An empty wine glass is so sad